With that in mind, in this article I'm going to cover some realistic Spanish conversation starters and phrases you can use in a real conversation. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. First, please take a look at the picture showing how to say some common illnesses in Spanish – enfermedades comunes. How to start speaking Spanish and get unstuck. Video Transcript: English conversation topics: At the doctor. Uses the same method as our courses. Patients could suffer from various types of medical conditions such as fever, cold, cough, headache, stomach-ache, cancer, throat pain, glaucoma, etc. DR. SHARMA: Good morning! Traveling to a Spanish speaking country? The doctor will often ask you the following questions meaning “what’s the matter in Spanish” : ¿Cómo te sientes?, ¿Cuál es el problema? – Si, tuve gripe hace una semana. ESTAR can also be used to talk about symptoms to tell how you are feeling, e.g. “¿Ha tenido + síntoma?” means “Have you had + a synthom?”. Actual medical dialogs that you might have with your Spanish speaking patients. Rara Academic by Rara Theme. Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. ¡Buena suerte! 2. Occupational Therapists A Dialogue between a Doctor and a Patient: 1 Patient: Hello, may I come in? English Doctor's Office Role Play with Listening Practice for Adults. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: ¿Cuál de estas afirmaciones es verdadera basado en lo que dice el paciente? – No, no me duele la garganta. Relaying basic medical instructions in a language other than English or expressing the degree of patient pain can be negotiated using touch screen software. Disclaimer. We have written a few dialogues between a doctor and a patient for school students and kids. Doctor Related Spanish Phrases Medical Spanish Phrases. Quiero que practiquen conversando acerca de los trastornos médicos. More practice with Spanish vocabulary related to illnesses, symptoms and medicine and how to manage in Spanish at the doctor’s. A variation of this phrase would be “Dolor en …” as in “Dolor en la espalda” and “Dolor en el pecho”. 2. You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. – Just something I bought on the street. The medical dialogues provide a guide to conducting initial interviews with the Spanish speaking patient. Medical Receptionists Key phrases in the conversation:1. Comments? I hope you will find this useful to you. Hospital Nurses Are you allergic? ¿Cuáles de estos síntomas ha sentido el paciente? What have you eaten recently? Hopefully you’ll find it interesting and challenging. Translate Doctor and patient dialogue. Since being sick is a state, we will need the irregular verb ESTAR, not the verb SER, so we will say “Yo estoy enfermo”, “Él está enfermo” and so on. “No me he sentido muy bien” means “I haven’t felt well lately”2. Archive - Page One (1-15) Archive - Page Two (16-30) Archive - Page Three (31-45) Archive - Page Four (46-60) Archive - Page Five (61-73) The dialogue includes the script and an interactive quiz. At 9:00 a.m. on Monday; 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. on Thursday. 5 Ratings. Resource Type. It is formed by using the verb HABER plus a verb in participle (estado, comido, viajado, etc.). – Doctor, I’ve been with a headache since yesterday. The information on this website is meant only to serve as a tool for health care providers who want to improve their ability to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients; it does not replace the services of a trained medical interpreter (which may be required by law). When a patient calls into the office, you need to gather some basic information — including the patient’s complaint, name, and phone number — and then set up an appointment for the patient to see the doctor. Practitioners should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat medical conditions. Bueno, van a participar en un diálogo entre el doctor y el paciente. Virtually every phrase you need to know for Spanish conversation. Doctor: Yes, of course. Comencemos…. And the correct pronunciation is available by clicking on one of the two audio links located just above and below the list of Spanish sentences. – Tengo dolor de estómago. How can I help you? Doctor-patient short script. But, while modern digital tools can translate some very basic information across a language barrier, they cannot replace a trained medical interpreter or a fully bilingual practitioner. I want you to practice having a conversation about medical disorders. We will also use the phrase “Dolor de + a part of the body” to tell where we feel pain. Grade Levels. Download the complete courses. We will also introduce the basics about the present perfect in Spanish. Includes 7 unique dialogues based on student work. Includes Full Transcripts for 5 conversations On the Phone and in the Doctor's Office ... Find the Doctor’s Office Conversation Transcripts Here . In this lesson, you will learn a list of common illnesses in Spanish, plus some useful phrases and questions when visiting the doctor. Activities, Scripts. – Si, soy alérgico al maní. Subject. The bulk of the dialogues focus on the diagnostic interview, but health promotion dialogues and follow-up dialogues are also included. In order to reply, we will generally use the phrases “Me siento con + síntoma”, e.g. – I’ve been feverish for the past three days. Doctor: Have you taken any medicine so far?. [ More lessons & exercises from bridg ] Click here to see the current stats of this Spanish test This article lists the basic Spanish vocabulary you need to understand and be understood in a medical situation. ¡Hola nuevamente! Office Nurses – Yeah, I’m allergic to peanuts. Practitioners should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat medical conditions. File Type. Conversation about headache. Find out what illnesses and symptoms they are talking about and then solve the quiz related to the recording. When talking about yourself, you can use “He” (I have), but when talking about another person use “Ha”(he/she/you have), for instance: “Él ha estado con dolor de cabeza”. One of the most common things a GP will deal with, along with headaches and back pain. Listen to the conversation once more and then solve this short quiz about it. When talking about yourself, you can use “He” (I have), but when talking about another person use “Ha”(he/she/you have), for instance: “, See doctor patient conversation script in Spanish, Domestic Animals and Pets in Spanish: Listening Practice, How to Order Fast Food in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations, Talking about your School and Classes in Spanish, Ordering Food At the Restaurant in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations, Talking about Electronic Devices in Spanish, Parts of the Body in Spanish – PDF Crossword Puzzle, The Vocabulary for Illnesses in Spanish – PDF Worksheet, Indoor and Outdoor Activities in Spanish – Listening Practice, A Lab for Learning Spanish with Free Online Lessons, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. Even if they don't speak the same first language, doctors and patients need to be able to communicate. ©2009 MedicalSpanish.com 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th. What can I do for you? Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her neck, shoulder, waist, arm, leg, stomach. A mental health GP consultation. Today’s lesson will cover some very useful phrases and questions for having a basic doctor and patient conversation in Spanish. “Yo he sentido dolor de cabeza” and “Nosotros hemos estado con diarrea”. MR. KAPOOR: I also feel headache and shivering. Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: archive - main page. – Doctor, he estado con dolor de cabeza desde ayer. Spanish. In this video, I’ll share with you a simple, useful English conversation that you can use immediately to start learning English quickly and without overwhelm. Have you had the flu? First of all, the stem-changing verb DOLER  will be used to indicate where people feel pain, for example: “Me duele el pecho” (I have chest pain) and “Me duele” (It hurts). As with most modern conundrums, there is an app for this. Hence you can not start it again. DR. SHARMA: Let me take your temperature. When talking about symptoms and illnesses in Spanish, you can use these forms of the present perfect in Spanish: “Me he sentido + un síntoma” (I have felt…), “He tenido + un síntoma” (I have had…), “He tomado + algo” (I have taken…), “He comido + algo” (I have eaten…) and “He estado con + un síntoma” (I have been with…). Questions? Listen to some examples using the present tense as well as common questions and phrases that will be very useful for a productive doctor and patient conversation in Spanish. I have a terrible headache, backache, stomach-ache.illsuffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well; sick 1. ¿Tienes dolor en la garganta? The information on this website is meant only to serve as a tool for health care providers who want to improve their ability to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients; it does not replace the services of a trained medical interpreter (which may be required by law). This is a conversation between a doctor and a patient about medical things. Listening: Conversation between a Nurse and a Patient (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 025 In this session, we will go over a Dual Spanish practice to help you understand more spoken Spanish as we review a Conversation between a Nurse and a Patient. – Si, me he sentido un poco mareado. Conversation between a Doctor and a Patient MR. KAPOOR: Good morning, Dr. Sharma! Powered by WordPress. Basically, HABER will be conjugated like this for the present tense in Spanish: “Yo he”, “Tú has”, “Él/Ella/Usted ha”, “Nosotros hemos” and “Ellos/Ustedes han”. At this time the fever is 102 degree. – Yeah, I got the flu about a week ago. You may listen to the pronunciation of these words in the podcast below the image. ¿Se ha sentido mareado? Read through this intermediate-level dialogue between a patient and nurse either with a partner or silently, and then test your understanding with the short, multiple-choice quiz at the end. As you may notice, some of them are very similar in both languages, while others are totally different. You will listen to examples and then practice with a Spanish conversation between a doctor and patient. Patient: Doctor, I’ve headache since yesterday evening.. If so, this article will help you learn and practice the basic Spanish medical vocabulary you might need in case you have to go to doctor or have a medical emergency. If the health problem were more urgent, you'd probably go to the emergency room of the hospital - la sala de emergencia en el hospital . Practice the dialogue with a friend so you can feel more confident the next time you visit the doctor.A comprehension and vocabulary review quiz follow the dialogue. © Copyright 2021 SpanishLearningLab. Also, how a patient who call in asking for an appointment, ask to talk to the doctor, find out what road to take to the doctor's office, even ask about the visit being covered by insurance. ¿Cuál es el problema? This list of Spanish sentences and phrases deals with topics that come up between a doctor and patient. 2. This is a Spanish-focussed follow-up to this previous article about general tips on meeting strangers and starting conversations, and this one with more tips on social and conversational skills. Patient: A las nueve de la mañana el lunes; a las once de la mañana el martes y a las once de la mañana el jueves. Dialogues with Patients in Spanish. Have you felt dizzy? Patient… What’s wrong with you? After any of these conjugations, we will add the main activity in participle, e.g. “Me siento con fiebre”, or even better with “Tengo + síntoma” as in “Tengo fiebre” and “Tengo dolor de cabeza”. You see-- Most people learning a language (like Spanish) get STUCK. To print the lesson on a conversation between 4 people having a conversation at the doctors surgery right click on a white space and choose print. – Solamente algo que compré en la calle. Medical Assistants. Review relevant Spanish grammar and vocabulary and then listen to a conversation in Spanish between two people. Patient: Nurse, I think I might have a fever. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle? Read the following dialogue between a patient and her doctor as they discuss joint pain during an appointment. painfeeling in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill,sick 1. – He estado con fiebre los últimos tres días. Below you will find video players for different free online Spanish courses (beginner to advanced levels) each with a playlist of at least 30 video lessons. 2. “Un poco” means “a little…”3. When talking about symptoms and illnesses in Spanish, you can use these forms of the present perfect in Spanish: “Me he sentido + un síntoma” (I have felt…), “He tenido + un síntoma” (I have had…), “He tomado + algo” (I have taken…), “He comido + algo” (I have eaten…) and “He estado con + un síntoma” (I have been with…). Free introductory Medical Spanish lessons delivered to your inbox! ¿Qué puedo hacer por usted? Archive - Main Page. Image by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash. How to describe your symptoms. PDF (383 KB | 7 pages) Product Description. Do you have a sore throat? Unlike English, Spanish does not have a word for the suffix “-ache” so it will always be translated as “DOLOR”(pain). – Me duele el pecho, ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿El paciente ha tenido dolor de garganta? Conversation Between Doctor and Patient: In this article, we will see the conversation between doctor and patient in the English language based on different types of diseases. ¿Eres alérgico a algo? Contextual translation of "the doctor and patient conversation" into Spanish. They provide the Spanish vocabulary required for effective interviewing. There's just so much to learn, and in the heat of a conversation all the grammar, conjugations, and vocabulary go out the window. Contact Us Doctor: You’ve a running nose.Looks like your headache is a result of sinus infection, and not the regular one that results from anxiety and fatigue. – No, I don’t. Visita al Doctor: This project where students write a dialogue to act out a skit between a doctor and a patient works great with your "Health" (Salud) chapter. The patient has come out of a serious operation and the doctor wants to make sure that the patient is feeling OK. The skit (along with its attached rubric) assess students' application of vocabulary, use of positive and negative commands, as well as reflexive verbs, body parts, and describing pain. What to say if you feel bad and you have to go to the doctor. It is really helpful to say the symptoms you have experienced and explain why you may feel sick. Warning: This site will not work properly with JavaScript disabled. The information on this website is meant only to serve as a tool for health care providers who want to improve their ability to communicate with their Spanish-speaking patients; it does not replace the services of a trained medical interpreter (which may be required by law). Practitioners should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat medical conditions. Are you interested in expanding your English conversation topics? Patient: Nothing change sir, … A Dialogue between a Doctor and a Patient Read More » I can’t sleep because my head aches too bad. How are you feeling today? Take an aspirin to relieve the pain.achecontinuous pain; feel a continuous pain 1. Patient: Saridon, but the headache hasn’t disappeared.. To do so, we have included the names of some common illnesses in Spanish, as well as a dialogue (listening activity) resembling a real visit to the doctor in Spanish. MR. KAPOOR: I have been suffering from fever since yesterday. ¿Que ha comido recientemente? Okay, you are going to participate in a doctor-patient dialogue. Según el doctor, ¿Qué podría tener el paciente? In today’s special audio, part of our mission to help you have your best Spanish learning year ever, Ben and Marina look at useful Spanish vocabulary and phrases connected with going to the doctor and describing illness and symptoms. Disclaimer. Listen to a conversation between a patient and a doctor in Spanish at the doctor’s office. or ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?. The doctor's office (el consultorio in Spanish), right? Click on the playlist icon within the video player to see all available lessons in that course. You have already completed the quiz before. Talkin’ the Talk – Yes, I have felt a little dizzy. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. In fact, translation apps and other too… “Estoy con dolor de cabeza” and “Estoy con dolor de estómago”. My elder sister is seriously ill in St John’s hospital. Physical Therapists Organized by chief complaint. Listening: Conversation Between a Dentist and a Patient (Podcast) – Dual Spanish – SPJ 018 In this session, we will go over a Dual Spanish practice to help you understand more spoken Spanish as we review a Conversation in Spanish between a Dentist and a Patient . Many thanks to Sarah for helping out with this great list! Below is a conversation between a doctor and his/her patient. Listen to the Audio Player for naturally spoken American English and British English Doctor’s Office Role Plays. Learn More », Home » Learning Resources » Medical Spanish Dialogs. Dialogos Doctor Paciente / Doctor Patient Dialogues SPANISH. Human translations with examples: el médico, el doctor, el pediatra, el pasajero no. Spanish exercise "Bilingual dialogue : I need a doctor" created by bridg with The test builder. Emergency Responders When the patients tells the doctor that he/she isn’t feeling well, the doctor asks for a detailed description of the pain. DR. SHARMA: Do you have any other symptoms? The present perfect in Spanish can be a really useful tense when having a doctor – patient conversation in Spanish. All Rights Reserved. ¿Ha estado con gripe? NPs, Physicians & PAs The following dialogue leads you through a typical preliminary phone conversation. Please select a page of the archives to review the recorded dialogues. Includes audio! Comido, viajado, etc. ) Spanish can be a really useful tense when having a doctor and patient... With relevant advertising symptoms and medicine and how to manage in Spanish at the doctor asks for detailed! 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