Is the pitbull dangerous or not? There is no doubt that pit bulls are an inordinately dangerous breed. See you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye. 5. I think a citizen would always have a right to protect themselves; the concern I have with pit bulls and other large dogs is that protecting oneself may not be possible. It is not black and white and should not be treated as such. Josh Wolsky. I don’t believe just anyone should own a pitbull and if the person had a history of abuse (towards either animals or people) they should not be allowed to own what is determined as a dangerous breed. Part II of me sharing my thoughts on pit bulls will be published later this week. I’m going to jump into the potpourri of arguments and statements people have made to me in hopes of swaying my decision. My first experience with those animals was the male hitting a sliding glass door separating us so hard he cracked it. This is why people are so afraid of them. Peter talks about his small ween, his friend Ginyn and poohing in his pants - Duration: 17:26. we all are aware of the Pitbull reputation. Hi Devin, These days, pit bulls often make headlines and it’s rarely good news. If we identify a risk, it seems prudent to take steps to minimize exposure to that risk. So, are Pitbulls a dangerous breed? Are pit bulls dangerous? That is why you may have noticed in modern Pitbull’s being aggressive an independent and are always ready to pick up a fight. That’s yet another challenge that must be balanced against our choice. 1. My first stop is public safety. I am far from a dog expert, but I suspect nearly everyone of us brings to mind an image of a dog when we hear the word ‘pit bull’. While on foot I have been approached by several dogs who are either stray or “on the loose”. Why a Ban to Begin With? Pits are dangerous because unless you can get an AKC or other registered dog, the breeding hasn't been monitored. I believe that when compared to dog bites from most other breeds, pit bulls cause more harm and greater injury. Plus, according to recent research, about 63% dog attacks, 51% of The Attacks were came from Pitbulls Do pit bulls bite more often than other dogs? I have no reason to believe pit bulls bite people more often than other breeds. antwanee3 Doglover0178 beastmode121. Most of their ancestors have been developed so that they can be trained to fight by people or owners who are interested in making money by entertainment in the form of a dog fight. If I did a good job then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about them.If you have any questions regarding your Pitbulls then let me know in the comment section and I will try to give your answer as soon as possible. But not before our friend absorbed four painful-looking puncture wounds. The database im suggesting would give first responders the knowledge that a potentially hazardous dog lives there and enable them to take precautions if necessary. Don’t make your Pitbulls left chained up always because being alone or chained can also develop aggression in your Pitbulls. Calm logical and reassuring all that you are researching the best possible decision for the community as a whole, and I appreciate that greatly! Allowed them most of the time to be free when there are not people who can get harmed by them. Your Doberman story is the perfect example. As such, they took action in an attempt to protect public safety. I would like to see a dangerous animal ordinance of some kind replace the ban. Are pit bulls dangerous? Grand Forks, Fargo, Bismarck, and numerous smaller towns in North Dakota have all either repealed there ban or did not have a ban to begin with. In fairness, some other studies haven’t found pit bulls to be conspicuously dangerous. What do you think about pit bulls? 13 Since the late 1970's pit bulls have been used extensively in criminal operations for drug dealers, gang members and other violent offenders. Related Videos Do they represent a risk to public safety? Pitbulls do come with a very strong jaw muscle and fighting style is definitely very different.Yes, they are dangerous because of their driving and shaking style. I don’t think so. Discuss with other people about whether or not pit bulls are dangerous. Idiots breed them for agression to fight then sell the puppies and the bad genetics get passed on because the next moron lets the dog … But is it really? Required fields are marked *. It amazes me that people do not understand what breeding is. Look, if you give your Pitbulls the wrong training then it is very important for you to know that it is going to promote them in being more aggressive and it will also be very difficult to handle them.It is going to be difficult for you to handle an aggressive dog especially if you have Pitbulls in your home. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts! Also surprisingly bite-prone: chow chows. In the list of most dangerous dog breeds in the world, Pitbulls come at the first. Required fields are marked *. Between now and then, I’m going to tease out my current views about pit bulls to see what you think about my thinking and how I’m approaching the issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year, with 885,000 needing medical attention. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Should we be proactive or reactive? Like Reply. After it attacked and bit me I beat the crap out if it trying to get away and it had no effect what so ever. If it isn’t about an attack on a child or a shooting by police, it’s a tale of neglect or abuse. There are lots of reports that confirm these statistics and that is why Pitbulls are always considered as dangerous or attacking dog breed.But, there are so many misconceptions about the breed and around them like most people think that they have been bred to ba attacking dog breed but they are not.We will also learn some facts in order to help you in understanding, why are Pitbulls dangerous? Personally I have never been attacked by a pit but I have by other breeds. But I also believe pitbulls deserveto have a chance and people that move here shouldn’t be forced to leave behind their fur baby. Also, pitbulls can attack humans, just like any other dog who isn’t socialized. Are they dangerous or are they just dogs with a bad rap sheet? (Here's What You Need To Know), Why Are Pitbulls So Clingy? Pitbulls Can Fight To The Death In Many Instances, 7. They can be very dangerous to anyone, expect a hard grip from them. Learn about the behavior of pit bulls and voice your opinion. Because I cannot drive I am pedestrian more than the average person I probably walk between 300 – 500 miles in a year. Editor and Publisher of TheMinotVoice, Developer of the #ForMinot Network,  Co-Host of #GoodTalk Minot, Advocate and Friend of the Souris River, Former City Alderman, and clearly -- all things #MakeMinot. If Minot’s main goal is to make our community safe, why are we only just focusing on one breed? If these animals are that dangerous, why haven’t we seen a spike in attacks in these areas? Now, before you jump down my throat, please remember that all I’m attempting to determine right now is, are pit bulls dangerous dogs? Some Pitbulls can also be very friendly to their owner as well as their family member if they are trained property as well as handled very firmly. It is your prerogative to make your decisions as you see fit but I would say that a “pitbull” doesn’t exist. However, some are, just like any other breed of dog. To keep our community safe it makes more sense to have a “dangerous animal” law in place. We need to reexamine our leash law especially the “under verbal control” portion. They are known for their vicious and aggressive nature, and they tend to be more aggressive than other dogs breeds. Dangerous dogs » Pit bull myths. You are in the right place, If you want to read or want to know if they are dangerous or not. The individual had been to the house before, had been socialized with the dogs. Despite our best efforts, there will always be dogs of various breeds that are simply too dangerous to live safely in society.” This means that only so many efforts can be made to help these pets not be aggressive. Dangerous? I am biased towards the pitbulls (love them), but I also believe in the wrong environment they can be dangerous (as you stated this is a possibility with any breed) I think the solution would be registering a dog deemed as a dangerous breed, doing background checks on owners and professional behavioral assessments would be a good thing. In return for their protection, we had to be especially careful. There’s nothing I’ve heard in the news and in the contacts I’ve gotten from citizens that leads me to believe pit bulls bite people more often than any other dog breed. The existing dangerous-dog law, on the books since 1991, has been ineffective in practice, because it requires the Department of Health, which adjudicates dog-bite cases, to prove that a dog wasn't "provoked" before it can label the animal dangerous and require it to be muzzled or impounded. Learn about the behavior of pit bulls and voice your opinion. Instead of reading points of view, just look at a few videos and see the damage these dogs have done. And thus far, I’ve drawn only one conclusion — pit bulls represent a risk to public safety because when they bite people, they tend to do more damage and cause greater injury than many other breeds. This not only encourages a clear bias but also leads us to assume that there are good and bad dogs and we are not responsible for their actions.. The attack was on and then under our control in an instant. Just some things to consider. Consider the other 97% who fear these animals. Here’s a bit of a challenge for you to consider: many of your suggestions — behavioral assessments, monitoring, background checks on people and dogs — while they are all likely good ideas that would help reduce the risk of an incident, they’re also likely expensive and time-consuming. Report Post. Discuss with other people about whether or not pit bulls are dangerous. 3. That said, I’m not imposing the ‘pit bull’ language into this discussion. So before I tell you about the pitbull-arguments that are resonating with me, it seems appropriate that I share my background with dogs in general. I’m not a dog owner, but I like dogs. If there’s one thing that’s clear about this issue, it’s that we all have our own stories to tell. ANY dog can be vicious & dangerous. So, like it or not (and I want to hear from you in the comments if my method is flawed), this is the method I’m using this far: I’m basing my conclusion on whether pit bulls are dangerous dogs on the anecdotal answers to two questions. Is it the owner or the dog — a rekindling of the ‘nature vs. nurture’ debate. This is the language in our law. And while I lived there, I did enjoy the comfort of their protection. We will also learn about their temperament so that we can understand why are Pitbulls dangerous or are considered as dangerous or attacking dog breeds. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association , that's because the CDC stopped collecting breed data on dog attacks 1998. The typical Pitbull stereotype is they are vicious & dangerous. Read full article. There are some tips that can help you control your dangerous Pitbulls and it is very important for you to learn if you really want to get a well-mannered Pitbulls in your home. In many cases, pit bull dogs are considered dangerous. Do not say a lab would never. Are Pitbulls dangerous dogs? I have one first-hand experience with a pit bull. Doberman pinschers, rottweilers, and German shepherds topped lists of dogs some considered dangerous in the not-too-distant past. The term \"pit bull\" is often used as a blanket term for dogs that resemble the American Pit Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier. The term pitbull is actually a job description termed by people (yes, bad people) who bread various terriers, bulldogs, and god knows what, to fight. either way dog owners need to be prepared that citizens have the right to protect themselves as I have seen to many just turn their dogs loose. Peter Caine Shops at Walmart 3,119 views Any dog can bite, any dog can hurt someone. Euh yes! Mark your calendars, our meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 17th. While this dog was likely loved at home it was not great with surprise guests. We had to be careful with the mailman. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I'll start this by saying, I love animals, especially dogs and I have never met a mean pitbull in my entire life. It all comes down to the owners and how they trained their dogs. And from among those passionate minorities (I would characterize those with no opinion as the majority), there seems to be no tolerance for alternative viewpoints. Pitbulls have very strong jaws, they are able to apply enough pressure to do major damange. Use the comment forum below, because your voice won’t be heard unless you use it. Marc Lallanilla, Life's Little Mysteries Assistant Editor . I feel it is time to adopt a law to keep our community safe as a whole just like every other major town in North Dakota. Yes a lab would as would ANY dog not properly cared or bred for. My concern about is about the term “pitbulls”. It makes for a generic brand and then is easily used when we don’t truly know a breed. The attack can be prevented with a good leash and a muzzle, but most pitbull owners are too unaware of their dog to do that. Hi Kya, In this way, you will be able to keep them silent when they don’t want you don’t want them to bark. “Pitbulls” were never bread to inately attack humans, matter of fact no breed ever was, it’s a learned trait. A number of the dog bite stories published about them name the breed incorrectly and either never post retractions or post them quietly, so they are not noticed. Even the CDC now says they have never compiled a list of dog breeds that are considered the most dangerous or most likely to bite. Pit bulls in the news. My conclusion: No. He was outside; I was inside. However, they have been raised alongside the kids then they are not going to be dangerous at all…read more. I understand you have to look at public safety as well so in looking at this ordinance If it changes I hope the wording doesn’t open up more restrictions on breads that are currently allowed within the city limits. Unlike most in the pro-BSL camp, I did not come to this topic via a negative personal encounter with a dog.No one close to me has ever had such an experience, either. Every pit I've met has been nothing short of a sweetheart. But I cannot for the life of me understand how you can come to the conclusion Minot should allow the freedom of these dogs. I’m no different. Pitbulls were developed or been made so that they can be forced to fight to the death in many instances and that canine who cannot go on often get killed by gunshot or other crucial means or get abandoned.It is not about the cruelty at that time but whether those canines that easily break off of a fight or those ones that is not trained properly get killed or get abandoned. But if they grew up in a horrible, bad, environment they would be dangerous because that is how they were raised so not all pitbulls are dangerous . Below are the top 10 myths. Every individual dog can have their own traits.If any kind of Pitbulls has been reported for aggressive behavior then the restrictions will always be placed on that dog as well as their owner like wearing a muzzle in public or not be allowed in public.Lots of states have already banned Pitbulls as a pet because of their aggressiveness and dangerous nature. Is there such a thing as dog racism? From what I’ve heard from all of you and experienced personally, I’m not sure. The challenges that come with identifying the breed and thus enforcing the law are not lost on me. On Christmas Eve or new year eve always chain your Pitbulls in one place so that they don’t start roaming around and start biting you guests because if they are allowed to roam free when there are lots of people around, it can be very dangerous. Perhaps some breeds need to be on leashes shorter than 6 ft? This is not a case of being fair with about 3% of the population Josh. But that rests on the assumption that pit bulls are indeed a risk to public safety — so much so that they warrant special attention under the law. Here’s what I’ve discovered — I don’t trust any of the research or statistics. It takes just a second to get registered, but it’s important. Dogs of any breed — without a doubt — can be dangerous. I’m very impressed with your debate method. Pitbulls… Lovable? No, Pitbulls are not safe if they are not trained properly especially around children. I see research bias. Also, families who are moved to work on base in Minot a lot of the time have to leave their furry family member behind because of Minot’s current law, so it makes those families not enjoy their time while in Minot. I see media bias. While making this video I borrowed liberally and learned much from If a Pitbull bites you, you can end up seriously hurt. Your email address will not be published. At the same time, they aren’t aggressive towards humans, just misunderstood. Are Pit Bulls Really Dangerous? But it may also be that the policy is only providng us with the illusion of security. I still miss the hell out of my Lucky and even just thinking about him brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes, as I know it will for the rest of my life. And thus far, I’ve drawn only one conclusion — pit bulls represent a risk to public safety because when they bite people, they tend to do more damage and cause greater injury than many other breeds. Before that, let’s learn, are Pitbulls dangerous? Claiming that pit bulls are just like any other dogs and pose no increased risk to children is completely wrong. Given the staggering amount of press coverage of Michael Vick's pit bulls, television shows devoted to pit bulls, such as Pit Bulls and Parolees, now in its tenth season, Cesar Millan's Dog Nation, co-branded with a pit bull, and the constant production of "positive pit bull" campaigns on the Internet, it seems unlikely that the average person cannot identify a pit bull. I hope that I managed to give you some space of information about why are Pitbulls dangerous and what makes them dangerous. Look, Pitbulls are not ready to rage into another dog breed or animal or human being. The worst was an 80 pound german shepherd blue healer cross. The only conclusion I’ve shared at this point is that I do believe ‘pit bulls’ represent a danger to the public, and that being the case, it’s appropriate for City Council to take steps to reduce the risk. In the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughts on my earlier conclusion. This is an interesting visualisation I found online that shows the nature of aggressiveness vs. lethality of some breeds of dog. Pit bulls should not be handled by weak people. Pictured are the two most deadly dog breeds in America: pit bull terriers and rottweilers. I’ve never met a dog that didn’t tell me exactly what he or she thought about me right from the start. Well, that is because they were bred for that. Thanks for taking the time to really study and break down each point of this issue. Always keep other pet animals and dogs at a distance because the dog on dog aggression is very common as Pitbulls is known to be very dominant. Do pit bulls bite more often than other dogs? It is also a reason why are Pitbulls dangerous. It proves we’re each talking to real, live Minot people. The topic has generated a mountain of community conversation, and like the rest of American politics, there’s no shortage of people on both sides. (9 Tips To Control Excessive Barking), Are Pitbulls Safe? But so can any other breed. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t have Pitbulls.Breeds like Saint Bernard, a wolf hybrid, Siberian Husky, Great Dane, German Shepherd dog, Doberman, Rottweiler, and Bull Terrier are some other dogs that can also be considered as dangerous but have lesser urge to urge to fight or attack than Pitbulls If compared. YES some Pitbulls are aggressive, but so are MANY other breeds. That leaves me still looking for a way to determine if pit bulls are dangerous dogs. Can pitbulls be dangerous? Pit bulls are genetically wired to kill other dogs. The owner assured me that if I moved in, he would introduce me to the dogs carefully. The current pit bull ban was an attempt to do just that. Not all pit bulls are dangerous. Always handle your Pitbulls with a firm hand and show them some respect because if they feel they threatened, they can be aggressive and dangerous. According to state law, a dog is considered dangerous if it has severely injured or attacked a person or severely injured or killed a domestic animal without being provoked. If a Pitbull bites you, you can end up seriously hurt. Yes, they are dangerous dogs who can bite people to death and disfigure children. Plus, according to recent research, out of 63% dog attacks, 51% of The Attacks were constituted from Pitbulls. It’s hard to argue with that logic. Your email address will not be published. Are pitbulls allowed in Italy? The Maryland Court of Appeals recently deemed pit bulls and pit bull mixes “inherently dangerous,” but many animal experts and dog advocates believe the court’s ruling may have been too extreme.”Inherently dangerous” implies that all pit bulls are, through genetics or their environment, born with a vicious streak. Like it or not, that’s where I stand right now. Not all pitbulls are dangerous. (Here’s What You Need To Know), Are Pitbulls Safe? That they have a lot of energy? Josh Wolsky, Your email address will not be published. Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Always socialize your Pitbulls properly because any dog breed that is never properly socialized is more likely to be more aggressive as well as dangerous. She was adopted by a friend out of an Interstate-26 ditch near Charleston, SC. What you call pitbulls are actually specific breeds referred to as Staffordshires and Bull Terriers (all sizes). Myths about pit bulls, such as the locking jaw myth, are just that — fake “facts” made up … Very likely not. Answer: plenty. Your email address will not be published. . First, pitbulls are not recognised breeds within the Canadian Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. Do doubt! Always Train Your Pitbulls perfectly and always choose the right training for Pitbulls. Now, we’re nearing the end of this particular commentary on pit bulls, but I want to assure you I’m not done with the topic. Due to their natural violent nature, they may develop temperament issues and you may have to deal with it. This doesn’t mean that every pitbull is necessarily aggressive towards other canines. Teach them not to bark or bark on command. They can be very dangerous to you as well as your family member. February 14, 2013, 3:54 PM. If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be the first time well-intentioned government policy fell short of its goals. Those concerns too will be part of future commentaries. If a pitbull grows up in a happy, good, nice environment they wouldn't be dangerous. None of that changes the fact that as a City Council member, I’ve got the job of deciding the issue. She was a sweet, gentle animal, great with kids, and an all around wonderful family pet. That’s right; I’m relying on the stories I’ve heard in the news and the stories you all have told me. Hold Pitbulls with a strong grip whenever any visitor visits you because they can not only be very aggressive but can also be very violent and may attack with a warning. Yes, any Pitbulls that has been not been trained properly can be considered as dangerous dog breeds. The pitbull is a dangerous dog and training or raising doesn’t prevent a pitbull from attacking and killing people. I truly believe that the owners are responsible for this and if they fail to train and teach there dogs correctly then it should be addressed as a case by case basis. To your last point, I agree — we need to evaluate the efficacy of our current policy. And I love their honesty. That’s the baggage I’m carrying into the conversation. Everyone we knew was warned not to ‘pop’ in on us. Any dog can be dangerous if not trained properly.But, in this guide, we are going to talk about or learn about Pitbulls and its vicious behavior. On this question, I’m willing to say the answer is yes. But, there is a profile of characteristics of dogs that are most frequently involved in bite incidents. I’ve received no shortage of links to various studies on both ends of that question. Respectfully, So where do we go from there? I see flaws in the scientific method. I could probably stack the deck to show that German shepherds were the real menace. It is a proven fact that the breed has been extremely dangerous. If a pet is a hazard to the community it should be marked in a database that allows all first responders to have the knowledge of where these pets live. I’ve also lived with a pair of Doberman pinschers. I said nothing while putting my knife back in my pocket I think he knew I was going to kill it if it attacked again, a car drove up and it ran away. My overall point is the responsibility is on the owner any breed can be a problem and some are more capable of doing more harm do to their genetic build. While I am an avid dog lover of all breeds I do believe the public needs protected from dangerous animals. And this is the language that we as a culture are using to discuss a certain type of dog with certain physical characteristics and behavior traits. Are Pitbulls Dangerous? So, those are my stories. Should I care about the message we (as a community) send to people who are considering moving to Minot? Personally I believe it is the owner's fault how the dog ends up, just like a child. So, let’s learn, what are the reason that makes Pitbulls dangerous. And the usage of the language has emerged because those commonalities do exist. 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